Brewnion Colony

Homebrew Club, Greeley, Colorado

About the Club


If you would like to join us, you might check the calendar for meetings. Usually, they are on the first Tuesday of the month. The location may change each month but recently we have met at Broken Plow Brewery. The format is simple, from 6:30 to 7:00pm we socialize, then discuss club business for a while, then on to tasting, eating, and presenting recipes. You may bring a brew to share, but there is no requirement.

What we do

Some of our members create mead (honey-wine), and others have put in a bottle or two of grape wine. Under no circumstances do we take ourselves seriously. The members are an unassuming, friendly bunch. We trade brews, assist new members, share equipment, and purchase bulk ingredients to keep the cost down. We have good contacts with the local breweries, and can get high quality grains or fresh hops. In spring, we may even share rhizomes from successful hop plants used in brewing. From time to time, a member may even throw a party.

About our name

The town of Greeley started out as "Union Colony", and our former club host was a brewery called "Union Colony Brewery". So we put it all together to get Brewnion.

Joining the Club

Come visit for a meeting or three, then join if you wish. We take $30 donations early in the year, and use the funds for club equipment and supplies. A spouse can be added to a membership for $5 for a total of $35 for a couple.



First Tuesday of every month excluding holidays and November.Broken Plow, 6:30pm